
Press Releases


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                

September 29, 2020                                                                          


Carrine Anaeto                                                                                               
Desk: 850-617-4554





TALLAHASSEE, FL – CareerSource Capital Region has been awarded a Veterans’ Performance Incentive by the State of Florida. The Jobs for Veterans State Grant establishes a program to provide performance incentive awards to recognize Local Workforce Development Boards that provide outstanding employment services to veterans.


The incentive awards encourage the improvement of employment, training, and placement services for veterans and recognize workforce development partners for excellence or demonstrated improvements in the provision of services to veterans.


#ChangingLives is not just a slogan for CareerSource Capital Region, but it’s the way we do business for the veterans and the impetus for our daily activities,” says Lorraine Wells, WP Program Admin and DVOP Program Manager.  “Our strong partnership with veteran and community organizations has been the cornerstone for our wholistic approach to job readiness.  Our veterans program works synergistically with our community partners, utilizing each of their respective resources to provide wrap-around services for veterans and also move the homeless veteran off the streets and into a sustainable residence.  Our team has engaged veterans through outreach activities such as veterans connect, veterans express, a cup of conversation and veterans helping veterans. Last program year, we were able to leverage our resources and those of the community to assist 102 veterans gain employment, of which 88 were disabled or have significant barriers to employment, which we helped them overcome.”


Community partners including the Tallahassee Veterans Legal Collaborative, 2-1-1-Big Bend, Big Bend Homeless Coalition, Kearney Center, Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program and the Tallahassee Vet Center are significant in assisting veterans in the capital area and in helping CareerSource Capital Region achieve this incentive award.

A review committee comprised of representatives from the Department of Economic Opportunity and the US Department of Labor Veterans’ Employment and Training Service reviewed the nominations and CareerSource Capital Region was recognized as the winner in the Small Workforce Board Category. The award will be used to continue to advance the solutions that CareerSource Capital Region provides for the capital area veteran population.


CareerSource Central Florida and CareerSource Flagler Volusia were also recognized with Veterans’ Performance Incentive Awards for their diligent work providing employment and training opportunities to thousands of veterans throughout Florida. 





About CareerSource Capital Region

CareerSource Capital Region connects employers with qualified, skilled talent and Floridians with employment and career development opportunities to achieve economic prosperity in Gadsden, Leon and Wakulla counties. Solutions for career seekers include one-on-one career advising, interviewing and resume-writing assistance, employment workshops, and labor market information. Solutions for employers include recruitment assistance, skills assessments for applicants, customized training, and information on tax incentives. Employers and career seekers are matched through the Employ Florida system. Most solutions are provided at no cost. This initiative was supported by the U.S. Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Agriculture as part of awards totaling $6,612,197with 0% financed from non-governmental sources.  Programs funded through CareerSource Capital Region are equal opportunity programs with auxiliary aids and services available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Persons using TTY/TTD equipment use Florida Relay Service 711. A proud partner of the American Job Center network.